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Piano and Keyboard Lesson Options

Fun  |  Interactive  |  Rewarding

Book your lessons in 3 easy steps!

1. Decide which of the lesson types below is most suitable

2. Click the link that takes you to the book your place tab

3. Fill out the contact form

Once completed, I will be in touch to arrange the next step. If you have any questions, you can get in touch via the contact form.

Learning music from an early age has been proven to improve coordination, enhance literacy and numeracy skills, and develop dexterity and strength

Comparison between keyboard and piano at Your Musical Journey Bewdley
Parent waiting area at Your Musical Journey Bewdley

Do you teach an experienced player? 

I welcome students that have learnt in the past or transferring from another teacher. 60 minute lessons are available on request for more advanced students only. 

Should I learn to play piano or keyboard

You will need to decide if you would prefer to learn piano or keyboard as both are different. However, you will learn skills that are interchangeable between the two. If you like to play contemporary music with a rhythm backing or maybe you don't have the budget or room for a full size piano, then keyboard is the best option for you. Piano is traditionally played without built-in backing accompaniments.

Do I need to own a piano or keyboard at home?  

If you are taking individual or buddy lessons you will need to practise regularly at home in order to progress. If you do not own a piano or keyboard currently, I am happy to discuss suitable makes and models with you before you purchase. I understand that buying an instrument can be costly, especially if you are unsure if you or your child will want to learn for the long term, so I accept piano students that own a keyboard initially. Mini Prodigies and Piano Launchpad group classes do not require students to have their own instrument at home. 

Can I stay during my child's lesson?  

Yes, certainly. There is a seating area for parents and carers. However, I politely ask that it is just one adult and noise is kept to a minimum so that there is no disruption to your child's lesson. 

Do you offer discount?  

Over 65's receive a discount when paying monthly. Look out for other promotions throughout the year too. 

Adult learners often take up music lessons to reduce stress, improve mental health, and boost self-esteem

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